Web Dev Enthusiast
I'm Kunal Kumar Verma, an Electrical undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in my Third Year. I'm a Full Stack Web Developer and a Tech Enthusiast who loves everything which involves code. I have a keen interest in the field of Open Source, Application Development, and Cryptography. Apart from being a Tech Geek, I am an avid art lover and loves to try various artforms especially Doodling and Hatching.
A simple Rubiks Cube solver that gives the optimal way to solve the cube.
C++ | OpenCV
This web app is a clone of Facebook, containing most of its prominent features, purely made for education purposes only.
NodeJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB(Atlas)
A text messaging app that allows users to communicate in a secure environment through End-to-End Encryption.
Flutter | Firebase
React Starter implemented using Webpack 5 for module bundling and configured with TailwindCSS, ESLint, Prettier and Husky
ReactJS | Webpack | TailwindCSS
The flappy bird game which we all love to play in our mobile devices is now available on PC..So just give it a shot..
It is a simple Tic Tac Toe game which have both Single player as well as Dual player mode. I bet, you can't win against PC ;)
HTML5 | CSS(Bootstrap) | JavaScript